You got to love it when a mishap happens, if you tried calling the number for the Hoosier Voter Hotline you may have had a phone stimulation in your ear.
The Secretary of State release sent voters to phone sex line, yes all of those in Indiana who wanted to know about mayoral primaries may have had a little shock when they called the phone number.
Basically in a nutshell the Secretary of State’s Office included the wrong number in a news release, those who wanted to get through to the Hoosier Voter Hotline got a sex line instead. This is what they call voter hotline phone sex, the number should have been 1-866 prefix but instead the listed number was a 1-800 number.
Some that called the sexy number got a messaging saying For fun, stimulating conversation anytime, anywhere” and were directed to another number where they could talk to “hot” girls.
A.J. Feeney-Ruiz the Secretary of State spokesman said that no complaints has come in yet, please do let us know if you got the sordid message when you rung the hotline.
Source – SouthBendTribune & Fox News