Friday, May 13, 2011

ZiiLABS Announce New ZMS-20 & ZMS-40 Processors: Tablet Joy

There is great joy in the air for all those lovers of tablet PCs with an announcement on Tuesday by ZiiLABS of two new processors – ZMS-20 and ZMS-40 that will be targeting the tablet market.

The last media processor announced by ZiiLABS – the ZMS-08 was 2 years ago and this media-rich applications processor can currently be seen powering the ZiiO range of tablets by Creative. Whilst, we have not seen the 720p video conferencing or 1080p video playback on the Creative tablets, we can see the ZiiO rendering decent 720p HDMI output and also 3D games (via YouTube).

On Tuesday, May 10, ZiiLABS (aka the chip-making arm of Creative) announced two new processors that were to target the tablet market that is rapidly growing. The ZMS-20 is a dual-core 1.5GHz Cortex A9 processor, which ZiiLABS say is 4 times faster than that of the ZMS-08.

On the other hand, the ZMS-40 is a quad-core processor, which can deliver whiplashing speeds of up to 6GHz. What all this simply means is that both the ZMS-20 and ZMS-40 are micro-size media-powerhouse processors that have been optimized for high-definition tablets on Android 3.0 platform.

As indicated in the article by epiZENter, also with the chips, ZiiLABS will present a full Android Tablet Platform that consists of the ZMS-20 SDK for Android, adapted or white label ID tablet designs and also conformation and certification.