Saturday, January 29, 2011

NSN starts O2′s southern network upgrade

Deal follows announcement Siemens will cover operator’s northern operations and means NSN now provides 75 per cent of O2′s network access

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) has begun the modernization process of O2′s network in the south of the UK over the next three years.

The process will expand capacity, coverage and performance using NSN’s ‘Flexi Multiradio’ which allows for a “smooth” evolution from GSM and 3G to LTE.

NSN will also use its Radio Network Controller to upgrade the sites and its ‘Serve at once Traffica’, which monitors service quality continuously.

The deal means that NSN currently provides two-thirds of O2′s 3G access network in the UK.

Earlier this week Siemens announced it would carry out a similar upgrade to O2 sites in the north of the country covering the area from Birmingham upwards.

Nokia Siemens head of customer team for O2 UK and Ireland Rob Stent said: “We are committed to providing our radio equipment to power O2’s great network and increasing coverage and capacity for Telefnica O2 UK,

“Our Flexi Multiradio Base Station is recognized as the market leader. The hardware being delivered now, as well as providing O2 customers with faster data rates and better connectivity, will also allow support for future LTE services with a simple software upgrade.”

O2 UK chief technology officer Nigel Purdy said: NSN fully understands our requirements to fulfil the expectations of our smartphone customers.

“We have a long-standing relationship with the company and based on its past track record, we rely on its expertise in expanding and modernizing our 3G network to deliver the best possible experience to our customers.”